Packs are Updated for 1.21.1+
All of our packs are designed to work with Minecraft Bedrock Edition. Our packs are made for vanilla style gameplay. No additional experimental toggles should be necessary to utilize our Add-On Packs. Please note Dead Score, Snooze Pack, and AFK Slack Pack will not work individually with other packs that utilize the player file. We have added these in a combo pack for your convenience. Current Packs are tested and working in 1.21.1. These packs should continue to work into the future but check back often for our latest updated packs. Most packs get updated within one week of a stable game release.
- Download .zip file
- Find your download
- Rename file by changing ".zip" to ".mcaddon"
- Open file by double clicking file or by opening file using Minecraft.
- This should open Minecraft and start installing Add-On.
- Go to world settings, behavior packs, and activate desired pack.
Combination of Our Packs into One Handy Pack!
[Does NOT include Craftable Donuts]